Living in a big metropolis like London, with the amount of waste materials and carelessness of many citizens, I was inspired to create a project I call “LIFE3000” (Living In Future Environments) I make sculptures (mostly dresses) with things I find on the street or in skips such as keys, cigarette boxes, corks, mirror, electrical waste, etc & exhibit them with other works I have created, in a variety of medias. 

The central piece is a sculptural wall, built of over 3000 cigarette boxes, each one individually altered using images & captions from recycled newsprint. LIFE3000 explores the relationship between consumerism, waste & the environment. The central theme is to encourage responsibility for our consumerism, recycling & to refocus our need for material possessions, onto what should be most important in Life, exposing our indifference to social & personal responsibility. 

Elements of LIFE3000 have been exhibited in Frankfurt, London, Mexico City & New York. 

Details from LIFE 3000 (Featured in Field of Vision exhibitions 2004 & 2005) 

"Field of Vision EXTREMES" Institute for New Media, Schmickstr 18, Frankfurt, October 10th-14th 2005 & "Field of Vision" The Lab Gallery, 501 Lexington Avenue, New York, September 13th-18th 2004